Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Starting with the Seeds

On Sunday, I planted 96 seeds indoors.

Anja helped me fill the seed trays with dirt and she was very proud of herself. "I'm helping mommy plant seeds!" I'd like to try and get her as involved in the garden as possible for several reasons:
1. I really want her to learn about how things grow and to develop a sense of where food comes from (or should come from).
2. It's fun having her around
3. I need to keep her entertained and in my sight while I work so she doesn't get herself into trouble.

So - 96 seeds and I still have more to get started in little cut-in-half milk cartons. I suspect I won't plant quite so many seedlings in the garden. I have limited space after all. Hopefully I'll be able to give seedlings away as I determine how many I need.

Here's what I planted:
Jimmy Nardellos' sweet pepper
Santa Fe peppers
Calabrese Broccoli
Australian Brown onion
Brandywine tomato
Eva Purple Ball tomato (I had to buy these because my sister-in-law's name is Eva Ball)
Genovese Basil
Dragon carrots

All of the seeds came from Seed Saver's exchange in Decorah, Iowa. (http://seedsavers.org/) They are working to save heirloom seeds and preserve garden biodiversity. This is important now as industrial agriculture has really decreased the number of small farmers saving their own seeds and passing them down to sons and daughters. Now you find a lot of Monsanto genetically engineered seed that is designed to last one harvest and not put out seed, so you have to buy from them year after year. (farmers like these because they increase their yield and they come with built in pesticide so it seems like it makes sense monetarily)

But I won't go any further on that tangent right now!

1 comment:

  1. This garden sounds great!
    I'm a little jealous I don't have the space or tiny helping hands to enjoy, but I can enjoy yours right here online.
